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Public Transportation

The State of Illinois is divided into eleven Human Service Transportation Planning Regions. These regions are designed to ensure that rural and small urban areas outside of metropolitan planning areas are incorporated into the state Human Services Transportation Planning process and that the planning process is inclusive throughout the state.

Every region is mandated to develop a human service transportation plan.The regional Human Service Transportation Plan (HSTP) identifies existing services and resources, service needs and gaps and recommends strategies to encourage the most effective use of available transportation services for the region.

Human Service Transportation Plan Coordinators are responsible for developing the HSTP plans for their regions and for facilitating the process of implementing those plans They are responsible for maintaining an inventory of human service transportation providers and vehicle data. They serve as mobility managers for their regions and assist in the grant application and reporting process for FTA programs that are designed to serve the needs of elderly, disabled and low-income populations.They also assist in the programming and application process to expand the Small Urban and Rural Public Transportation Program throughout the state. Terri Finn, our Coordinator at SCIRPDC, is responsible for Regions 9, 10, & 11 which is the Southern 39 Counties of Illinois.

HSTP Coordinators work directly with public transit providers, human service agencies, state agencies and regional stakeholders to ensure that the Human Service Transportation Plan is efficient, equitable and well-coordinated, and designed to best serve the needs of their region.They assist in implementing the plans by working directly with these stakeholders on an ongoing basis.

Click below to view more information about our Public Transportation Regions:

For more information please contact Terri Finn at tfinn@scirpdc.com by email or by phone at 618-548-4234 Ext. 229.