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Truck Access Route Program (TARP)

The purpose of the TARP is to help local governments upgrade roads to accommodate 80,000 pound truck loads. The department has a set aside amount of TARP funding that coincides with funding for Economic Development Program projects. This should not be confused with the annual TARP solicitation through our IDOT District Offices (see below). When a local sponsor applies for EDP funding, they can also request TARP funding for the same route provided the roadway connects to an already existing truck route and ends at another truck route or truck generator. The department will provide up to $45,000 per lane mile and $22,000 per intersection for an eligible roadway. Please note that when requesting TARP funding in conjunction with an EDP application, the TARP funding is capped at $150,000 for the overall project. Please include the exact length of the roadway and how many intersections are involved in the project with your EDP application. This information is necessary to calculate TARP funding.

Economic Development Program/TARP Agreement (Word document)

Every fall IDOT solicits local projects that can be constructed during the upcoming fiscal year. For more information please contact the office at 618-548-4234.